The Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) is another trade body representing the coach industry to call for the 50km restriction, regular service restriction that applies to every PCV driver aged 18 and 19 to be withdrawn in its entirety.
Its stance means that CPT and RHA are on the same ground around the matter, a position that has been made by both associations in response to a Department for Transport (DfT) consultation on matters including proposed removal of the 50km limit, but only on regular services.
That approach from DfT has led to worries that the coach industry will benefit only modestly from the amendment because the restriction will still apply to unscheduled or occasional services such as tours, private hire, and the like.
CPT Operations Director Keith McNally says that while the general election will delay progress on the changes, “we are confident that DfT officials will present the results of the consultation and appropriate advice to new ministers promptly after the election.”
The Confederation adds that it has presented “a significant quantity of high-quality evidence in support of the proposals that CPT collected from its large coach and bus sector membership” including policy groups such as Coach Commission and Bus Commission.
In the consultation submission, CPT says that no evidence exists of 18- and 19-year-old coach and bus drivers posing a higher risk to road safety, and it highlights how HGV drivers of the same ages can drive with no distance restrictions.
On the second proposal in the consultation – allowing trainee PCV and HGV drivers to undertake theory and off-road modules in advance of holding provisional entitlement in the appropriate category – CPT is in support.
It believes that such a change would streamline recruitment with no risk to safety, although CPT acknowledges that where the trainee cannot ultimately obtain a provisional licence, the operator would be out of pocket. The Confederation adds that “many of our members, employing tens of thousands of drivers” are in favour of the change.
Full CPT response here.