National Coach Network extended its lead generation platform’s new auto-quote system for coach hire across the UK from 17 October and says that the approach is “revolutionising” the way it works with clients and operators.
Auto-quote was initially launched in March. So far over 250 operator partners are signed up, with 170 already using the functionality. The supplier also has a new ‘instant price’ client-facing brand that it will debut on a region-by-region basis from November.
The approach delivers what National Coach Network says is “instant and accurate quotes with ease,” and automates the pricing process for operator partners. That will reduce their workload and deliver real-time rates to clients to give a better service and enable faster decision-making.
National Coach Network says that the auto-quote system integrates into an operator’s pricing structure to give them control “of all variables such as vehicle-specific costs, seasonal price changes, job type surcharges, or discounts and profit margins.”
Because of that, it uses neither predictive pricing and historical data to forecast future rates, nor fixed prices. Managing Director Matthew Atkinson (pictured, left) says that National Coach Network initially explored the predictive pricing model but decided against using it.
“Historical data cannot be used in times of economic instability or when accessing new markets,” he explains. “And it is just not possible to accurately meet individualised or specialist requirements using predictive pricing models.”
The alternative approach deployed “empowers operators to maintain control over their pricing and quotes,” the supplier continues.
Notes Mr Atkinson: “Auto-quoting takes an operator’s actual pricing structure, which can differ from vehicle to vehicle and with all parameters set and controlled by it, to auto-calculate its quote.
“We calculate the intricate operator variables such as operator-specific mileage and driving hours, including what time the driver needs to arrive at the yard, how many breaks will be required, and whether they would return to base between movements.” The system also adds any Clean Air Zone, Low Emission Zone or parking charges, along with airport fees.
National Coach Network has been working on the auto-quote product for over two years, it adds. Mr Atkinson says that came with “endless” challenges and that the supplier has rebuilt its systems to provide the data needed.
Auto-quote generates prices for all suitable vehicles from over 30 operators within a second to give up to 100 quote options.
Steady rollout of the auto-quote platform since March has allowed a controlled deployment before moving to mass market, Mr Atkinson continues. “We are currently seeing an increase in booking conversion of up to 8% when utilising auto-quote response to get back to our clients quicker,” he says.
“Year-to-date, we are up 28% on bookings and this could mean approximately 10,000 additional bookings per year for our operators once we have rolled out nationwide.”