The EU-wide compulsory requirement for ‘smart tachographs’ from 15 June 2019 requires all new vehicles registered after then to be fitted with an ‘Annex 1C’ compliant tacho. Existing tachos are unaffected.
In advance of this, Stoneridge has unveiled its ‘1C tacho’ and is running seminars in the UK and Ireland so operators can plan for their introduction.
For drivers ‘1C tachos’ work in a similar way to the existing ‘1B’ system. Stoneridge’s new version has an easier-to-read white on black display.
Operators will need updated download tools to communicate with ‘1C tachos’, and upgraded analysis software.
The four existing tacho cards (driver, company, workshop, enforcement) will continue to work with 1C tachos, although only certain data can be downloaded.
To get all data, operators will need to replace their company and workshop cards. The DVLA has yet to say when it will start issuing 1C-compliant cards, but it is expected to be by the end of the year.
‘Smart tachos’ will have a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) module, that automatically records the location at the start of a journey, then every three hours, and at the end of a journey.
The revised EU legislation – Annex 1C (EU 2016/799) – came into force in June 2016, and becomes law EU-wide in June 2019.
The main driver is to make fraud – especially magnet use – much harder and enforcement easier.
The 1C tachos have higher crypto-security and enforcement officers will be able to use a short-range device to remotely check tachos up to 190m away without stopping the vehicle.
No personal data will be transmitted, but offences such as driving without card, non-calibration, sensor interruption and overspeed will be transmitted.
Stoneridge tachos are standard fit in Scania, DAF and MAN coaches and buses.
Find out more: Seminar details: 01382 866400