The basic frame of a bus network exists – use it
The Intalink promotional vehicle initiative shows just what can be achieved at relatively low cost. Here in Cambridgeshire we have…
Bus route branding: Building a base for growth
Arguments for and against bus route branding are numerous. But where the concept is applied in an appropriate way it…
Bristol congestion hinders growth in bus use, says First West of England MD
James Freeman laments Bristol congestion situation as barrier to bus appeal In an open letter to users of First Bus…
West Yorkshire bus franchising raised as a possibility
Bus franchising in West Yorkshire has been raised by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), which has outlined its intention…
Will 2020 be the Year of the Bus?
I wonder. Will 2020 be the Year of the Bus, at least in terms of transport policy? I have little…
Bus scheduling: What is the art behind it?
For some, bus scheduling seems like a dark art that is practiced in shadowy corners of the operator’s head office.…
Bus statistics for England show divide in usage trends
There is an overall north-south divide in England as far as buses’ prosperity goes. That perhaps obvious fact was exposed…
TfWM Swift card sees 50m journeys in 2019
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) says more than 50m public transport journeys in the region were made using its Swift…
D&G Bus taken over by Centrebus Group
Stoke-on-Trent operator D&G Bus has become part of the Centrebus Group. The news came after D&G major shareholder and Managing…
D&G Bus taken over by Centrebus Group
Stoke-on-Trent operator D&G Bus has become part of the Centrebus Group. The news came after D&G major shareholder and Managing…