The transport industry is really big-hearted – or so we've found (see People, px).
Our latest venture is supported by So far we've brought 100+ Grenfell and firefighter guests to Cornwall on holiday but this is our first coach trip with pick-up in Kensington, driving straight down to Cornwall, which should make it all very easy for everyone.
This is a really important trip for 10 or so affected families from Oxford Gardens and Avondale schools as winter sets in – many are still in hotel accommodation, so we hope the chance to run free on the beach and explore the rock pools will be a welcome relief and help make some new memories.
Our voluntary organisation is running holidays into 2019 and we would love to attract other transport providers to help us get all the firefighters and families who want to come down to Cornwall for some 'natural therapy'.
So far, generous transport companies that have helped us include:
- First Kernow
- FalRiver Trips
- Plymouth Citybus
- Addison Lee
- ComCab.
Thank you so much.
Esmé Page
Founder, Cornwall Hugs Grenfell