A £23m fund to accelerate the take up of hydrogen vehicles and create more refuelling stations has been announced by the government.
Hydrogen fuel providers will be able to bid for funding in partnership with organisations that produce hydrogen vehicles to help build high-tech infrastructure, including fuel stations. The government will provide match funding for successful bidders.
A competition will be launched this summer, and will invite proposals from public organisations, businesses and hydrogen operators.
Transport Minister John Hayes says: “The transition to zero emission road transport is both inevitable and desirable as it will improve air quality in many of our towns and cities.
“Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles can play a vital role alongside battery electric vehicles to help us cut harmful emissions.
“We know availability of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure can be a potential obstacle to the take up of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles.
“That’s why we’re providing support to give interested parties the confidence to continue to invest in this new emerging technology.”