Windermere Lake Cruises has revealed an encouraging level of growth in group visits – mainly due to more overseas groups choosing the Lake District for a lake cruise, it says.
End-of-year analysis shows that group visits to the attraction have grown by approximately 9% in the last 12 months.
At the same time, data from the company’s online shop reveals that passengers from more than 30 countries around the world have bought tickets online in the past year, with travellers from China, Australia and the USA leading the way.
The figures follow a major marketing drive by Windermere Lake Cruises to attract international visitors from both established and new markets. Most recent activity includes participation in trade missions to Japan and China/Korea alongside other Lake District businesses, as well as ongoing office visits, meetings and presentations with overseas tour operators.
Sales & Marketing Manager for Windermere Lake Cruises, Jennifer Cormack, says: “The growth in our group business continues to be driven by international markets, particularly from South East Asia.
“Despite a challenging start to the year, we are continuing to work hard to strengthen our international partnerships and develop business in emerging markets as we move forward into 2017, with the exciting possibility of World Heritage Site designation for the Lake District.”