Millstream coach park in Salisbury is to close from 2 January 2024 for four months to enable remodelling and improvement work, Wiltshire County Council (WCC) has advised.
Once that is completed and the facility reopens, there will be six coach bays on the site for dropping off and picking up, and 10 further coach parking spaces in the adjacent central car park for layover periods. A diagram shows that the existing area at Millstream will be improved to include a welcome area and a bridge over the River Avon to the car park.
While Millstream is closed, four free, temporary coach parking bays will replace existing car provision on Exeter Street north of Carmelite Way. Existing coach drop off space on St John’s Street near the cathedral will continue to operate during the closure.
Those locations will be the only places in Salisbury city centre where coaches will be able to pick up and drop off passengers. WCC says that coach drivers should not attempt to use any bus stops for that purpose, as civil enforcement officers have been instructed to act in such instances.
The St John’s Street coach bays have a 10-minute maximum stay. After use, coaches will need to then move to the Exeter Street parking bays or the Britford park-and-ride site off the A338 to the south of the city.
WCC notes that to access Exeter Street and St John’s Street, coaches should use the A36 ring road to approach from the south along Exeter Street. It adds that when leaving St John’s Street, drivers should turn right into Ivy Street and right again into Brown Street, staying to the left to rejoin Exeter Street and Churchill Way. The city centre should be avoided.
At Britford park-and-ride, drivers should go to the right of the building and park in one of the marked coach bays there. The site is open 24 hours and toilets are available during the daytime except Sundays. Bus route PR9 runs to and from Salisbury city centre around every 30 minutes between 0800-1830hrs, and a convenience store is nearby.
Further details of coach provision in Salisbury while Millstream coach park is closed will be available soon on the Connecting Wiltshire website. Operators in need of additional information should contact WCC by email or call 01225 718080.