Supplier-Based Editorial Feature Content Agreement
The opportunity to work with suppliers to promote their services and/or products on an editorial basis is welcomed by routeone. Except for sponsored content agreed with members of the sales team, all supplier-focused articles are written independently by a member of routeone editorial staff, who will ensure that the resulting material is presented in an unbiased manner.
As appropriate, the journalist responsible for the copy will engage in confirmatory fact checking with a representative of the supplier concerned prior to publication.
Other amendments of copy are not possible, because such changes could be seen as impacting the editorially neutral position adopted in creating such content. Your understanding around this important consideration is appreciated. This approach enables editorial integrity to be maintained, while also guaranteeing optimum market penetration and industry response to the service and/or product in question.
For further clarification please contact:
Editorial – Tim Deakin, Editor:; 07788 219140
Commercial – Matthew Woodley, Commercial Manager:; 07311 839511