Public transport technology company Snapper Services has updated its Mosaiq Insights platform to help the planning of franchised bus networks via secure sharing of multiple operators’ on-time performance data through the transit analytics tool.
The additional feature allows local authority users of Mosaiq Insights to securely invite operators to view their own on-time performance data via the platform. That will give “equal insight into performance information across the network,” says Snapper Services.
“Authorities can work more closely with service providers to assess KPIs like reliability and punctuality and collaborate with operators to improve performance,” the supplier adds.
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) – which is adopting bus franchising – is using the new functionality – provided in collaboration with Vix Technology – and it is getting improved insight into the performance of a claimed over 1,500 buses across the network there.
Speaking about the work with Snapper Services, WYCA Travel System Manager Graham Davies says: “Mosaiq Insights has been able to deliver our network data in a whole new way.
“As we move to a franchised model, we need to be able to sit around the table with operators and say: ‘This is where things are going well, and this is where things are not going so well’. Mosaiq Insights will be an essential part of our toolkit as we move forward into a franchised future.”
Authorities can share insights with relevant operators. Adds Snapper Services CEO Miki Szikszai: “Franchised networks are characterised by transparency and accountability. The latest update to Mosaiq Insights provides transport authorities and operators with the same access to actionable performance data, helping to build a collaborative and trusting partnership.
“All relevant parties can see exactly what is happening with a particular service, shifting the conversation towards how we continuously improve network performance.”
Snapper Services previously supported the Greater Wellington Regional Council in New Zealand as it adopted a new contracted model. Such data-driven solutions assist in making the move towards reregulated services “as seamless as possible,” the supplier concludes.