Bus travel where journeys start within Portsmouth will be free across every weekend in September. The approach comes thanks to funding from the city’s successful Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) and marks Catch the Bus Month, which starts on 1 September.
First Solent and Stagecoach South services form part of the collaboration, with all services except for park-and-ride captured on every weekend day from Saturday 31 August to Sunday 29 September where the customer boards within Portsmouth.
Portsmouth City Council says the free travel will enable people there to “see for themselves how easy and convenient using the bus can be, all while reducing emissions by taking cars off the road.”
Cabinet Member for Transport Cllr Peter Candlish adds that he wants “more people to use the bus wherever they can, either as part of their daily routine like going to work, or for specific trips like shopping or an evening out.
“That is why I am delighted to announce that every weekend in September, we are offering free travel on buses for everyone. If more people use the bus, there would be less traffic on the roads, improved air quality, and local journey times will decrease too. Everyone wins.”
Stagecoach South Managing Director Marc Reddy adds a hope that by offering free weekend bus travel, new users will be encouraged. Both Mr Reddy and First Solent MD Simon Goff add that their businesses are pleased to support the initiative.
Other BSIP work in Portsmouth has been the introduction of various new tickets along with service uplifts, including overnight journeys on some routes. The city’s bus fleet has seen a major concurrent improvement with significant investment by First Solent in battery-electric vehicles thanks to Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas funding.