The Authorised Testing Facility Operators Association (ATFOA) has stepped up its campaign for the immediate introduction of delegated MoT testing responsibility.
DVSA has suspended heavy vehicle tests for up to three months because of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. ATFOA has already voiced doubts that enough slots will be available to accommodate those that receive an extension on a timely basis.
The Association is now urging its members to write to Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps asking him to authorise delegated heavy vehicle MoT testing. That will involve ATF staff, and not necessarily DVSA staff, undertaking MoTs.
In a letter that it has encouraged members to use as a template, ATFOA says that ATFs already prepare vehicles and undertake PMIs to a standard higher than that required by an MoT, so they “can easily and competently start testing now.”
The Association says that a prolonged period of closure for ATFs reduces the likelihood of them all reopening, further compromising capacity when the suspension is lifted. That, it adds, will lead to “a calamity” on top of the existing likely complications.
Separately, it is understood that DVSA has agreed that PSVs in receipt of a prohibition and which are permitted to continue their journey can have the notice cleared by email. It will involve ensuring that all defects are rectified and providing an inspection report along with evidence that repairs have been carried out.