Can we get the truth out in the open about all the accidents with cyclists? I am fed up with hearing all the rhetoric about motorists, especially the ones of large vehicles, making the life of cyclists very dangerous and intolerable.
I am basing my views on the London area, where we do seem to have more cyclist deaths than other major cities.
The volume of cyclists has increased dramatically over the last few years in our main cities, but legislators and highway planners have not kept abreast of this phenomenon. I think the planners could have predicted this increase, as this is their responsibility.
Last year I viewed the latest Scania lorry with cameras built into the outside of the cab, and also sensors built into the wheel arches and speakers to warn the cyclists that they are turning. All this extra safety is to protect the cyclist, and this all comes at a hefty price to the operator. The Mayor of London has dictated it with no consultation that I know of with any trade body.
The incident with the Clarkes coach was always an accident waiting to happen – I see every day in London’s rush hour cyclists breaking so many laws, like overtaking on the inside of slow moving vehicles and riding more than two abreast.
I think cyclists should now pass some form of test, and they should also carry insurance if they wish to share the highways with everyone else. We had to take a cyclist to the county court to claim for our damage because he had no insurance.
I am a keen cyclist myself and have seen this new breed of cyclist become more and more arrogant over the last few years. Why can’t people start to speak out about their manner of cycling and their lack of thought for others using the roads, instead of just blaming the drivers of large vehicles?
Tony Hill