Exol Lubricants has updated its Fluid Check service after receiving feedback from customers currently using the online programme.
Fluid Check provides an effective fluid analysis management to help customers make the most of the oil conditioning monitoring programme. It eliminates the risk of units failing prematurely as contaminant and wear issues are quickly identified.
In its first year alone, Fluid Check assisted customers with more than 250 reports, underlining its role as a business tool.
Operators draw a sample of fluid, register it online or using the included form, and then send it to the lab for comprehensive testing. The results are posted to a secure web portal that operators can access to download the test data.
If the fluid requires changing, the data will tell the operators and it can schedule maintenance before a failure occurs.
With 24/7 availability, users can view sample data and download reports, pre-register sampling information, download KPI reports, schedule sampling frequencies and also compare data trends.
Each customer is given a pack that contains all of the equipment required to draw fluid safely and cleanly.