Tag: Driver CPC

Driver CPC return to professional driving course option is go

An option for PCV and HGV drivers with an expired Driver CPC…

Industry split over potential for National DCPC pass or fail via periodic test

The industry remains split over proposals for a pass-or-fail option to be…

Mixed coach and bus industry reaction to Driver CPC changes

Operators have reacted to the introduction of changes to Driver CPC (DCPC)…

Making Driver CPC training address everyone’s needs: A plea

An often overlooked (and even dismissed as a non-concern) issue raised in the…

Belle Vue appoints Matt Turner to lead new accredited training courses

Belle Vue Manchester has introduced a new series of accredited driver training…

RHA rejects test-only element of Driver CPC reforms

RHA is recommending that the proposed Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC)…

Driver CPC reform is welcome… but act quickly

I welcome the current consultation on changing (or should that be simplifying?)…

FORS webinar will help aspirational operators

FORS is helping operators to gain and maintain Bronze accreditation with the…

FORS set to extend its reach into the PCV world

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme has achieved lots in the freight sector.…