Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has published a legal notice of intent for its first two Sprint rapid bus services.
The Sprint rapid bus services will be delivered via enhanced partnerships on the A34 and A45 corridors, in time for the 2022 Commonwealth Games. They will have dedicated bus lanes.
The enhanced partnership plan will be drafted with operators by the end of September, then be subject to a public consultation later in the year.
The plans to prepare enhanced partnership schemes for the A34 and A45 corridors have been approved by the West Midlands Combined Authority together with an enhanced partnership plan for the wider metropolitan area.
Laura Shoaf, MD of TfWM, says: “These two Sprint bus services are our top priority because they will be an essential transport connection for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.
“Sprint will be extremely reliable, so passengers can be sure when their bus will depart and arrive at its destination. Currently there are wide variations in journey times, which puts many people off catching the bus.”
Cllr Ian Ward, leader of Birmingham City Council and WMCA portfolio holder for transport, says: “The future of transport in the West Midlands is about the movement of people rather than cars.
“We need to encourage more residents, business owners and visitors to choose public transport as an alternative to the car. With its dedicated bus lanes, Sprint will avoid traffic congestion and help to improve the quality of the air we breathe by reducing air pollution on the region’s roads.”