A negative perception of the safety of bus travel with regard to COVID-19 is one of the key reasons why concessionary passholders are making fewer journeys by the mode, research by Transport Focus has found.
38% of concessionary passholders who currently use buses are doing so less often than prior to the pandemic, a survey carried out in late March and early April found. Only 13% of the same demographic are making more bus trips. The remaining 49% are travelling with the same frequency as before.
Transport Focus’s results back up data from within the industry, which has consistently shown that the recovery of concessionary usage trails well behind that of farepayers and was recently mentioned in a Transport Select Committee hearing. Among people in the concessionary demographic who are using buses less often, the most common reason given – cited by 65% of respondents – is because they now make fewer journeys overall.
However, the second most common reason for a reduction in bus usage, given by 35% of respondents in that category, is a concern that it is less safe than other modes in terms of COVID-19. In third place is a reduction of service provision, cited by 25%.
71% of respondents who are currently using buses said that they would consider doing so more frequently in the future. Half of those individuals reported that they would be encouraged by higher frequencies and more direct services.
Of those panellists that hold, or are entitled to, a concessionary pass but who have stopped using buses, safety concerns around COVID-19 are the primary reason for avoiding the mode. It was cited by 54% of respondents in that category. 74% of this overall group of survey participants said that it is either very likely or fairly likely that they will travel by bus again in the future.
In its conclusions, Transport Focus comments that the number of concessionary passengers “is unlikely to return to anything approaching pre-pandemic levels until their anxiety subsides.”
The organisation notes that improved bus services would significantly incentivise concessionary usage, as would a removal of time restrictions on free travel where they exist. Transport Focus thus recommends the examination of local opportunities to expand the hours during which concessionary passes are accepted, or where a reduced fare for passholders at those time could be introduced.
Chief Executive Anthony Smith says: “It is important that concessionary bus pass holders’ needs are met by the industry. There is huge potential in not only bringing these passengers back on board, but also getting non-users to give bus a go.
“While the pandemic has changed the way many people travel for good, by improving basics like reliability and frequency, this will go a long way to getting more people on buses.”
Download the Transport Focus report here.